Introduction: Building a Better 82nd Avenue
A critical north-south connection and one of Portland’s high-crash corridors, 82nd Avenue is in urgent need of significant investment to improve safety and address maintenance issues. As of June 2022, the state transferred ownership of 82nd Avenue to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Through near-term investments, long-term planning and engagement, and community stabilization, PBOT is Building a Better 82nd Avenue.
PBOT’s 82nd Avenue Critical Fixes will invest in near-term critical safety and maintenance repairs on 82nd Avenue through 2026. After making the most critical repairs, PBOT will invest funding in the long-term 82nd Avenue Civic Corridor Investment Strategy.
Critical Fixes projects, based on years of community engagement and advocacy, aim to address specific critical safety concerns as identified by people who live, work, and play along the corridor.
Construction of the first Critical Fixes projects began in January 2023 with corridor-wide signal equipment upgrades and signal timing improvements.
The next page provides information about the 82nd Avenue Critical Fixes: Major Maintenance Project.